How Can I Tell If I Am Vitamin Deficient?

Morning was Rose’s favorite time of day and drinking coffee was a big part of that joy. However, this morning she felt different. She was very tired even though she had a good night’s rest. “Hmmm, maybe I am coming down with something”, she thought to herself.

By noon she felt even more fatigued, so she had an extra cup of coffee after lunch. Normally, that would spark energy and get her back into action. Instead, she ended up taking a midday nap. She didn’t feel sick or have any other symptoms, so she wasn’t too concerned. After three days had passed, she was still not feeling like herself. Her energy levels were still very low and now she was randomly feeling lethargic. It was starting to stress her out, so she decided to go in for a check up.

Her doctor didn’t find anything wrong, but wrote her a prescription anyway and sent her home. As her fatigue seemingly got worse, she decided to do a little research on her own and found that her condition was most likely linked to B-Vitamin deficiencies. This was confusing to her because she ate a relatively healthy diet.  She also never knew that more than two types of B-Vitamins even existed. As she read on, she learned that there are actually 8 different types.  Despite her confusion, Rose decided to give a B-Complex a try. B-Complex is a unique product because it contains all 8 Vitamin B’s. She told her husband, she was done feeling tired and like she had spent her entire day in a fog. After reading all the benefits she was confident that it couldn’t hurt anything at this point. Minutes after her first dose, she said she could feel a big difference, and her body was craving more. By the third day, she was back on track and feeling better than ever!

So many people just like Rose have a Vitamin B deficiency that makes them feel off. The problem is, if a Vitamin B deficiency is left untreated long enough, it may cause other problems like a weakened immune system, loss of various body functions, and could lead to several diseases, even cancer. This is why it’s important to avoid having a Vitamin-B deficiency in the first place. The good news is…it is very easy to avoid and we made it EZ for you.

Let’s Learn Together!

This Guide Will Teach You the Following Step By Step

1. First Signs of a B-Vitamin Deficiencies:

Nip them in the bud before they become a problem

2. What Causes B-Vitamin Deficiencies:

Learn how to be proactive to avoid them altogether

3. How to Overcome a B-Vitamin Deficiency

Start feeling your best and avoid future potential health complications.

The First Signs of a Vitamin-B Deficiency

1. Is Your Energy Impacted? Energy is produced in the cells from oxygen and glucose. However, without B-Vitamins the bodily systems that make this happen are crippled. This can make your energy levels drop, have you experiencing fatigue and trouble with focusing.

2. Has Your Brain and Nervous System Been Compromised? Neurotransmitters and nerves are necessary for a healthy functioning brain, body and organs. B-Vitamins are required for the production and optimization of both these systems. If you’re noticing tingling and numbness in your limbs, or that you’re  continually battling with stress and anxiety, then your nervous system may be trying to tell you something.  When it comes to your brain, you may have difficulties remembering simple things, have feelings of depression, and trouble sleeping.

3. Healing Time Delayed? Are you noticing that it’s been taking longer than usual to recover from an injury, cut, burn or bruise?  That is not normal, the human body is designed to heal itself.  However, if it doesn’t have the proper tools to do so when you get sick or injured, the healing process can take much longer.  B-Vitamins are among these important tools and are a necessity to help the body repair, build immunity and protect itself.

What Causes B Vitamin Deficiencies?

1. Thinking That Eating Healthy Is Enough

B Vitamins are in almost everything we consume, so it’s hard to believe that a deficiency can occur. Just because a food contains B-Vitamins doesn’t mean it’s enough to equate to a daily dose.  The other problem we have is that most food doesn’t contain all 8

essential B-Vitamins.  This is why it’s important to take a B-Complex every day.

Why just eating healthy isn’t working… Studies show that plants are now grown in nutrient depleted soil. Times have changed, and this is no longer your Grandmother’s soil. Plants aren’t receiving enough nutrients from the earth and neither are the animals that consume those plants.  So even if you are meeting your daily goals when it comes to fruits, veggies and proteins, you may sadly still be falling short.

2. Eating Processed Food

Let’s face the facts, most of the food we see today in grocery stores and advertised in the media are highly processed.  Heating foods to unsafe temperatures, adding sugars, hydrogenated oils, and dyes depletes the nutrient value even more. So just because we may feel full after eating processed foods, doesn’t mean our bodies are nourished.  In addition, most processed foods are full of toxins that disrupt nutrient absorption and kill off good gut bacteria. So even if you are eating enough nutrients, your body may not be able to fully break down and absorb what you’re consuming.

3.  Taking Antibiotics Taking too many antibiotics on a regular basis will deplete you in B-Vitamins and disrupt your guts microbiome.  Therefore, it is vital for anyone taking antibiotics long-term to also take a B-Complex containing all 8 essential vitamin B’s.

4. Disease and Illnesses When dealing with an illness, your immune system and body will use more B Vitamins naturally in the attempt to heal and repair.  If your symptoms increase without getting any better, it’s a good sign that your body is probably using more B Vitamins than you are providing it with.  Replenishing is necessary to not deplete you any further.

How to Overcome a B-Vitamin Deficiency

Step 1. When dealing with a B-Vitamin Deficiency, it’s important to take action and  start now to avoid more serious health conditions in the future.  Immediately start taking a B-Complex containing all eight B-Vitamins!  

Step 2. Now that you are committed to  taking B-Complex daily, we recommend taking a closer look at what may have caused a deficiency in the first place. Is it due to unhealthy eating habits?  If so, now is the best  time to start eating more fruits and vegetables while eliminating or significantly reducing processed, fried, and sugary foods. In addition, these simple health hacks will create a long-term impact on your health. Start your morning with complete protein and fats (eggs are a great source of both), eat a salad before your lunch, and fruit as dessert after dinner.

Step 3. Improve your gut bacteria.  Simple health hack: eating fermented foods such as sauerkraut, grass-fed (unsweetened) yogurt, apple cider vinegar, kefir, kimchi, and/or kombucha along with “step 2”, is a great way to level up your microbiome. Which means your digestive system improves and so does your nutritional intake.

Step 4:  If you must take an antibiotic, be sure to also take acidophilus. This hack will keep your microbiome thriving.

Cheers to a Life of Longevity  

If you don’t make time for your wellness, you will be forced to take time for your illness” – Joyce Sunada’s

  • Has All 8 B-Vitamins Plus Vitamin C, in a balance that maximizes the health benefits for you.
  • Is easier to swallow and has better absorption than pills.
  • Nourishes the skin and hair while supporting healthy muscle tissue and bones, so that you slow the aging process and feel more alive.
  • Boosts the immune and digestive systems so that you spend more time feeling great and less time sick.

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