Uncover Hidden Toxins: Transform Your Diet for Better Health – Step 1

Simple Steps to Health

Last week on our Facebook live, I talked about how I grew up in a healthy household.

But what does that mean?

We all have our own idea of what a healthy lifestyle looks like.

When I say I grew up in a healthy household, I mean that my mom made most of our meals from scratch…

We didn’t eat things with a lot of sugar or refined carbs.

We drank water from a well.

And we had to play outside instead of watching TV or playing video games.

A lots changed since then…

– Foods labeled healthy are full of harmful toxins.

– We get less exercise and more screen time.

– We are told sugary drinks are more hydrating than just water.

– We have trouble sleeping (for many reasons).

– And our environment is full of negativity.

No wonder we are sicker than ever.

To know if you are truly living a healthy life, you need to check-in with yourself.

How is your energy? Do you get out of breath easily? Do your joints hurt? How does your skin look? Do you get sick often? Are you sleeping through the night? Are you regularly stressed?

If you’re not happy with how you look or feel, then I think it is time you do something different.

But where should you start?

Start with what you eat. Make sure you’re getting enough vitamins, minerals, protein, and good fats, and try to avoid anything bad for you.

This means eating more whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and meat from local farmers.

Look at the ingredients on the label and don’t eat anything with artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. If you can’t pronounce an ingredient or don’t know what it is, don’t eat it.

Avoid seed oils like canola, sunflower, corn, soy, and cottonseed, and vegetable oils.

Make sure you take your vitamins and minerals every day if you aren’t already.

This weeks simple step towards health:

Keep track of the things causing your body harm. How many foods do you eat with added sugar, bad fats, and other harmful ingredients (artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, and unfamiliar ingredients) daily?

These ingredients cause inflammation and deplete your body of vital nutrients. By keeping track, you can see where the change needs to be made.

I will go a little more in depth next week. Until then, enjoy learning more about the foods you consume regularly.

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